To promote Tiswas Pies Again on Big Centre, a number of extra programme pieces were produced.
There were two “Pop Videos” which were used as ‘filler’ items between programmes when there was time to spare – these were “The Bucket of Water Song” performed by The Four Bucketeers and “Bright Eyes” performed by Matthew Butler.
In addition Lee Bannister, Producer of Tiswas Pies Again! appeared on the Breakfast edition of ‘The Midland’, Big Centre’s regular News service. Lee was interviewed by Bob Hall who had worked at ATV during the time that Tiswas was originally being produced, and had also worked alongside Chris Tarrant on ATV Today.
The video labelled “Autumn Showcase” is a special presentation made for the public launch-night of Big Centre’s Autumn Schedule 2015 and shown on a big screen to the audience on the night, featuring a special version of the introductory sequence for the programme followed by the sing-along version of “The Bucket of Water Song”.
The Matthew Butler interview is taken from Lee Bannister’s ‘Weekend Magazine’ programme. Matthew came into the studio to talk about his time on Tiswas and the reason why his own VHS tapes were so important in the production of the Tiswas Pies Again! series, and we feature another section of the Autumn Showcase programme in which Matthew duets with his 5-year-old self.
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