Big Quiz

The “Big Quiz” was originally intended to be an ongoing local tournament between West Midlands-based quiz teams, and this pilot series was an experiment to see how it could work. It began with some preliminary ‘out and about’ sections in which members of the public were asked a range of local and general knowledge questions to see which Town knew the most!

Then for the remainder of the series Lee Bannister, who devised the Quiz, along with resident historian, Norman Bartlam, asked each other questions in the studio to see who knew the most! As the series progressed, we decided to ramp up the fun aspect of the show – we had such a laugh making it!

Needless to say, Norman – as historian – won most weeks!

Since production finished, the format has been revamped, and is available for production once again. Contact us for more details.

NOTE: The email address mentioned in some episodes is no longer working, as the company (Big Centre) no longer exists. Instead, send your messages (and questions) here

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